Today I read about of a news: US prepares for digital switchover and I belive that is “alarming” because the people from usa will have convert the boxes if they didn't want to lose reception.

I would like to Frida because I admire very much her career as a painter, her life, family , her relationship with diego de Rivera, etc.
I wolud know like was her experience with her accident,as this relates to her career, as was her form of see the life and If she imagine the world-famous that have her paintings, also as she is looked in the world... I admire her patience with her husband...
I would like that she return for we tell all her life¡¡¡

What do I think? I belive that the pollution in the mapocho river is the fault of us all and the previous generations.
We help pulling the garbage at river also change its extension for costruction of motorways, etc.
I dream that some day the river mapocho is clean for so we can really call it the jewel of santiago¡¡

My favourite season is Spring¡¡¡¡¡
I like very much this season because begin to appear flowers, birds, the sun, I belive that the days are more cheerful, I want go out with my friend, I am most active, etc.
In the winter I don´t feel like anything, I would like be a bear to sleep through the winter season¡¡
Also I can see a beatiful landscape, I can see the mountains because when begin the spring It don't have pollution¡¡¡
In srping I am happy¡¡¡

I recommend visit of Jardin Japones in the San Cristobal Hill, in this place you can be picnic with your friends and be in a place quiet and nice.
After visit to the Emporio de la Rosa in the Forestal park and eat ice cram¡¡¡¡ or vist the yard bellavista, there is pubs and places for eat, is very nice with a pleasant atmosphere.
Also if your want eat cakes and natural juice can go to the Melinka caffe¡¡¡ Steps to subway bellavista...

I have a two pets¡¡¡ one is my dog, his name is Frijolito, is a coker¡¡¡ is very cute and fat.... but my favourite is my cat¡¡¡¡¡ he is Toby ( I don't like the name, my little sister the named)
He is very inteligent and cute, he is the most beautiful of the cats of the world ejjeje)
but he is a little whiney¡¡¡ Only is quiet and silent if is eating¡¡¡ also loves milk and crying if he haven't it ...

He have a catfriend¡¡¡ is a Siamese cat¡¡¡ is the cat of my neighbor...
I love my cat¡¡¡¡

My favourite piece of art is "Las meninas" of Diego Velazques a spanish painter.
This is my picture favourite, not my favourite artist because is Frida Kahlo.
Why is my favourite picture? because once I spoke in my school this picture and I found interesting the history of picture also there are portrayed the painter.
Otherwise entertaining is the mirrow in the picture when be the king Felipe IV of Spain an his wife... And possibly the picture not mean of the portrait of the Infanta Margarita, if not of portraits of the kings¡¡¡