Is very difficulf define my favourite place because I like all place quiet and in contact with the nature, as a the beach, the contry side, the mountain etc. Any place far away of pollution and noise
But there is a place that I like very much.. is the "Pichilemu". My grandmother have house in this place and I have very beautiful memories of when i was little.
Also in Pichilemu mix the beach with the forest with the smell of pine and the beach is very quiet. Other place near (many minuts) of Pichilemu is Punta de Lobos; in this place, make a championship surf and reaches people from all over the world.
Remember when I was little go out of the house and see for the balcony and see the sea and feel the sea breeze. Now it is very difficult because everything is full of buildings.
2 comentarios:
profe dijo...
Hi Pau,
The beach looks very beautiful. How often do you go there?
pataguas dijo...
beautiflul place... in the summer... uuuf! is the best place for parties! do you go to the boat?